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European mobility week in Děčín

"Don't waste energy: Combine and ride!" This is the motto for European Mobility Week, in which the city of Děčín will be participating this year. From September 16th to 22nd, you can look forward to events focused on the environment, ecology, recycling, sustainability, renewable resources, climate change, and other environmental topics.

What events you should look forward to?

September 16: ACTION DAY FOR CLIMATE AND ENERGY | Under the City Library

European Mobility Week kicks off on Monday, September 16th, with an Action Day for Climate and Energy under the city library. You can expect a themed fair featuring electric cars and buses, zoo workshops on ecology, a meteorological station, screenings of eco-films, and a presentation of the Climate Plan, also known as SECAP.

September 17: ROUNDING KOMENSKÉHO SQUARE | Komenského Square

On Tuesday, September 17th, the event "Rounding Komenského Square" will serve as a space for discussing the future of Komenského Square. In front of the Děčín Gymnasium, you'll have the opportunity to express your ideas, both verbally and artistically, on how Komenského Square could ideally look and what elements you'd like to see in the area. There will also be a supporting program and refreshments.

September 18: TRAFFIC EDUCATION FOR THE LITTLE ONES | Traffic Playground, Liberecká Street

Traffic education for the youngest is also planned. Specifically for preschool children, this will take place on Wednesday, September 18th, at the traffic playground on Liberecká Street.

September 19: INLINE PARTY: CAR-FREE CITY| Husovo Square - Děčín Camp

European Mobility Week is not just about education. There's also an Inline Party titled "Car-Free City," scheduled for Thursday, September 19th. This event is open to everyone, with the only condition being that you arrive on something without a motor. So, grab your bike, scooter, rollerblades, skateboard, or longboard, and join the party ride through the city. The ride will start at Husovo Square and, with music from Děčín DJs, you'll travel through the city center to Děčín Camp, where the afterparty will begin.


If you're interested in how the Integrated Rescue System operates, you can visit Husovo Square on Friday, September 20th, for the Day with the IRS.

September 21: FESTIVAL OF PEACE | Mariánská Meadow

The European Mobility Week will also include the Festival of Peace on Saturday, September 21st. This festival, traditionally dedicated to topics of healthy living, meditation techniques, and self-development, will feature various workshops, food stalls, and a music program.

September 22: CAR-FREE DAY

The final event will be the so-called "Car-Free Day." On this day, all passengers across the Ústecký Region will be granted free transportation with a network ticket, which can be obtained through the DÚKapka mobile app. If you don't have the app, simply download it to your mobile devices no later than two days before the event to participate. Those who are already using the app will automatically receive a network ticket on Saturday, September 21st, allowing them to travel for free throughout the region on Sunday, September 22nd. The event aims to promote sustainable transportation and increase public interest in using public transit.


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